Friday, May 20, 2011

Civil War Magazines: Civil War Times June 2011

Bread or Blood: Desperate Southern women turned to violence to feed their families, by Stephanie McCurry
Immortals: The best and worst GEttysburg monuments, by Kom O'Connell
Landscape of REmembrance: Manassas is an oasis amid suburban sprawl-with an enduring Confederate bent, by Philip Kennicott
Bonus map: David Fuller traces the first Manassas campaign
Hell in the Harbor: The shelling sounded like an "army of devils" in and around Fort Sumter for hours on end, by Adam Goodheart
Where Is Meade?: George Gordon Meade is the war's Rodney Dangerfield, by Tom Huntington

Mail Call
Civil WAr Today
Blue & Gray
Collateral Damage
Field Guide
Interview: Eric A Campbell on Cedar Creek Battlefield
Letter from Civil War Times

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