Tuesday, May 10, 2011

British Theatre Programs: Relative Values (1952)

This program is for the original production of Noel Coward's Relative Values, in 1952. Note that the program was sealed (presumably so that people couldn't try to resell their programs to others), and cost 6d (pence).

There were no photos, no biographies of actors with a list of their credits. Presumably this was taken care of in the Theatre World magazines, which always focused on a few plays and showed photos of them (for example the April 1952 issue of Theatre World that had several photos of Relative Values, a few of which I have shared in this blog.)

These photos are shown for reference and research purposes only. No copyright infringement intended. (Click on each photo - if you're reading via the web rather than Kindle - so download a full-size version of each page.)

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