I'm going to be providing, as far as possible, the original jackets of Asimov's first editions. I've already started with
Pebble in the Sky and
I, Robot. Before I go any further, let me provide a list of Asimov's first 100 books.
He writes about them in Opus 100 (his 100th book) but i got this list from Asimov online:
A List of Isaac Asimov's Books(The formatting might not look too hot, for those on the Kindle. If you want to print out the list (and the link I provide has
all of Asimov's books, not just these 100, go to the link via your computer to print it out.)
1 Pebble In The Sky Doubleday 1950
2 I, Robot Gnome Press 1950
3 The Stars, Like Dust-- Doubleday 1951
4 Foundation Gnome Press 1951
5 David Starr, Space Ranger Doubleday 1952
6 Foundation and Empire Gnome Press 1952
7 The Currents of Space Doubleday 1952
8 Biochemistry and Human Metabolism Williams & Wilkins 1952
9 Second Foundation Gnome Press 1953
10 Lucky Starr and the Pirates of the
Asteroids Doubleday 1953
11 The Caves of Steel Doubleday 1954
12 Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus Doubleday 1954
13 The Chemicals of Life: Enzymes,
Vitamins, and Hormones Abelard-Schuman 1954
14 The Martian Way and Other Stories Doubleday 1955
15 The End of Eternity Doubleday 1955
16 Races and People Abelard-Schuman 1955
17 Lucky Starr and the Big Sun of
Mercury Doubleday 1956
18 Chemistry and Human Health McGraw-Hill 1956
19 Inside The Atom Abelard-Schuman 1956
20 The Naked Sun Doubleday 1957
21 Lucky Starr and the Moons of Jupiter Doubleday 1957
22 Building Blocks of the Universe Abelard-Schuman 1957
23 Earth Is Room Enough: Science Fiction
Tales of Our Own Planet Doubleday 1957
24 Only a Trillion Abelard-Schuman 1957
25 The World of Carbon Abelard-Schuman 1958
26 Lucky Starr and the Rings of Saturn Doubleday 1958
27 The World of Nitrogen Abelard-Schuman 1958
28 The Death Dealers (A Whiff of Death) Avon 1958
29 Nine Tomorrows: Tales of the Near Future Doubleday 1959
30 The Clock We Live On Abelard-Schuman 1959
31 Words of Science, and the History Behind
Them Houghton Mifflin 1959
32 Realm of Numbers Houghton Mifflin 1959
33 The Living River Abelard-Schuman 1960
34 The Kingdom of the Sun Abelard-Schuman 1960
35 Realm of Measure Houghton Mifflin 1960
36 Breakthroughs in Science Houghton Mifflin 1960
37 Satellites in Outer Space Random House 1960
38 The Wellsprings of Life Abelard-Schuman 1960
39 The Intelligent Man's Guide to Science Basic Books 1960
40 The Double Planet Abelard-Schuman 1960
41 Words from the Myths Houghton Mifflin 1961
42 Realm of Algebra Houghton Mifflin 1961
43 Life and Energy Doubleday 1962
44 Words in Genesis Houghton Mifflin 1962
45 Fact and Fancy Doubleday 1962
46 Words on the Map Houghton Mifflin 1962
47 The Hugo Winners Doubleday 1962
48 The Search For The Elements Basic Books 1962
49 Words from the Exodus Houghton Mifflin 1963
50 The Genetic Code Orion Press 1963
51 The Human Body: Its Structure and
Operation Houghton Mifflin 1963
52 Fifty Short Science Fiction Tales Collier 1963
53 View from a Height Doubleday 1963
54 The Kite That Won the Revolution Houghton Mifflin 1963
55 The Human Brain: Its Capacities and
Functions Houghton Mifflin 1964
56 A Short History of Biology Natural History Press 1964
57 Quick and Easy Math Houghton Mifflin 1964
58 Adding a Dimension Doubleday 1964
59 Planets For Man [9] Random House 1964
60 The Rest of the Robots Doubleday 1964
61 Asimov's Biographical Encyclopedia of
Science and Technology, 1st Ed. Doubleday 1964
62 A Short History of Chemistry Doubleday 1965
63 The Greeks: A Great Adventure Houghton Mifflin 1965
64 Of Time and Space and Other Things Doubleday 1965
65 The New Intelligent Man's Guide to
Science Basic Books 1965
66 An Easy Introduction to the Slide Rule Houghton Mifflin 1965
67 Fantastic Voyage Houghton Mifflin 1966
68 The Noble Gases Basic Books 1966
69 Inside The Atom (3rd revised edition) Abelard-Schuman 1966
70 The Neutrino: Ghost Particle of the Atom Doubleday 1966
71 The Roman Republic Houghton Mifflin 1966
72 Understanding Physics, Volume I Walker 1966
73 Understanding Physics, Volume II Walker 1966
74 Understanding Physics, Volume III Walker 1966
75 The Genetic Effects of Radiation U.S. AEC 1966
76 Tomorrow's Children: Eighteen Tales of
Fantasy and Science Fiction Doubleday 1966
77 The Universe: From Flat Earth to Quasar Walker 1966
78 From Earth to Heaven Doubleday 1966
79 The Moon Follet 1967
80 Environments Out There Scholastic/Abelard-Schuman 1967
81 The Roman Empire Houghton Mifflin 1967
82 Through a Glass, Clearly New English Library 1967
83 Is Anyone There? Doubleday 1967
84 To the Ends of the Universe Walker 1967
85 Mars Follet 1967
86 The Egyptians Houghton Mifflin 1967
87 Asimov's Mysteries Doubleday 1968
88 Science, Numbers, and I Doubleday 1968
89 Stars Follet 1968
90 Galaxies Follet 1968
91 The Near East: 10,000 Years of History Houghton Mifflin 1968
92 The Dark Ages Houghton Mifflin 1968
93 Asimov's Guide To The Bible, Volume I Doubleday 1968
94 Words from History Houghton Mifflin 1968
95 Photosynthesis Basic Books 1969
96 The Shaping of England Houghton Mifflin 1969
97 Twentieth Century Discovery Doubleday 1969
98 Nightfall and Other Stories Doubleday 1969
99 Asimov's Guide To The Bible, Volume II Doubleday 1969
100 Opus 100 Houghton Mifflin 1969
Seaborn: Oceanography Blog*
Star Trek Report: Space Sciences*
Volcano Seven: Treasure and Treasure Hunters*
Rush Limbaugh Report